Environmental Clean Ups

It’s a well known fact that droppings from pigeons, gulls and starlings can cause permanent damage to the structure of your building or equipment if it is not dealt with correctly. Many areas such as roofs, balconies, machinery, ventilation systems, and lofts provide birds with sheltered spots which they often choose for roosting and nesting. The birds then leave their bodily waste in the building or area they’ve chosen to nest in.

Bird poo is very acidic, this can lead to corrosion of the surfaces it is deposited on. We find the worst effected areas to be tar-based roofing materials, and paint finishes.

Ventilation & ducting systems are also frequently damaged by bird droppings as the ducts can become clogged which often results in very expensive repairs.

Bird droppings can also introduce parasites, fleas and ticks into the environment around their nesting areas. This combined with the unpleasant odours that droppings from birds create presents a real risk to human health.

The odour from bird poo and it’s contaminants can quickly be spread around the building through the ventilation system and inhaling the bacteria and funguses in bird faeces can compromise your immune system causing diseases, including: CryptococcsisHistoplasmosis and Psittacosis.

The safe removal of bird waste is not only vital to improve the aesthetic appearance of the building or surface it is present on, it also ensures human health issues are eliminated and the life of the surface is prolonged.

Scottish Pest Control Services Specialist Hygiene’s technicians are fully trained in the removal, cleaning and sanitisation of areas that have been affected by bird droppings and ensure the procedure is performed in an efficient and safe manner.


Bell tower

Bell tower
